Proud of my Record for Alaska
When election time rolls around, many legislators are embarrassed by the way they have voted in Juneau. That’s not me. I am proud of my voting record and the votes I cast on your behalf.
As a candidate, I ran on a platform of fighting for genuine conservative reform, fiscally and socially, and that is exactly how I voted. I am proud to say that I was present and working hard on your behalf every day the legislature was conducting business, and I did not miss voting on a single bill. I’m glad to talk about it, and have explained many of my votes publicly on Facebook.
I am the only candidate in this race to earn an A score and endorsement from the National Rifle Association.
I am the only candidate to also earn the endorsement of the National Association for Gun Rights.
For voting consistently to preserve the full PFD, I am one the only legislator currently endorsed by Save the PFD.
For consistently voting on behalf of my conservative district, I have the highest lifetime conservative voting record of any member of the Alaska Legislature as reported by the American Conservative Union.
I am also the only legislator in Alaska to have earned a positive score from the Alaska Policy Forum for having a voting record that consistently promotes the free market.
For standing up for Alaskan families, I am proud to have previously earned the endorsement of Eagle Forum Alaska.
For standing up to protect every Alaskan’s right to life, I am the only current legislator to have earned the endorsement of Alaska Right to Life.
I am also proud to have been awarded the Friend of Government Accountability Award from the Foundation for Government Accountability, and the The Jay Stuart Nelson Award for Limiting Government from the Hazlitt Coalition.
Progressive Democrats in Alaska have repeatedly honored me with the grade: “The Worst” in the Alaska Legislature.
Thank you very much for your support in the fight for genuine conservative reform here in Alaska.